PHP Beginners – Become a PHP Master

Are you new to PHP or need a refresher? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of Procedural PHP, Object Oriented PHP, MYSQLi and ending the course by building a CMS system similar to WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. Knowing PHP has allowed me to make enough money…
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The Complete JavaScript Course 2019

Do you want to learn the number #1 programming language that powers the internet? Are you tired of wasting your time and money on random youtube videos or JavaScript courses that are either too simple, or too difficult to follow? Or are you struggling to deeply understand and apply JavaScript…
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User Experience Design Essentials

Are you excited to get into the world of UI/UX but you don't know where to start? This course will allow you to add UX designer to your CV & start getting paid for your new skills. This course is aimed at people interested in UI/UX Design. We’ll start from…
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